I stand tall because I climbed the mountain


I’m actually brilliant,

I’ll have you know.

Even if you don’t think so,

even if you can’t see a world

where there is imagination, and dreams.

And people with feelings.

I am one of them,

and I have seen a world that someone without a heart cannot.

I have felt the heartbeat under Jerusalem,

and I have felt the warmth of her breath.

So I won’t long to close myself up in published works,

and observations.

I am brilliant,

and too many people know it but most importantly of all,

so do I.

And you not believing in me will not cause my world to crumble.

Even when you try to break me down,

chip-by-chip and brick-by-brick.

Because I have felt the heartbeat under Jerusalem,

and she won’t let you take me down.

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