We are all refugees

On the sea

I know, you don’t want to be bitter

And yet I can see it in your eyes

How hard you are trying to not to envy those others 

Not to resent them their joys

When you, who keeps trying and trying

Still have not found your way.

Who keeps getting knocked down

Every time they think that maybe this time, they will succeed


Desperate people do desperate things

It is the last will to survive

It is the years of suffering built upon years of defeat

I see it with my own eyes

I feel it with my own heart

You resent those who have never known suffering 

Even though it is no fault of their own

Even though it is no fault of your own

That you have known so much


So how to not be bitter?

How to keep holding on to some kind of hope that one day, your day will come?

It is not an answer but a question

Because I’ve lost my hope

I’ve lost my good expectations

I keep trying but I don’t know what for

I’m tired of crying to another person who can’t do anything to help me

Or who won’t 

I’m tired of the all the people who claim to stand for something but only when someone is watching

You go back to your comfort

But for us, who have really suffered

We don’t forget what we go home to

We don’t forget the cold nights 

We don’t forget the taps with no water

We don’t forget those who turned us away with a pitying smile on their face 

Who shrug their shoulders because they could never imagine

It could happen to them 

We are no different, just born under different stars

But one day, you may find 

The water has flooded your house

The wind has ripped off your roof

The war has arrived to your doorstep

The war is inside your home

And then you will go, too

Think of who you would want to find awaiting you 

That is who you should aspire to be

We are all refugees.

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