Comme je te connais

Palermo, Sicily

Would they care,

if they knew?

I ask myself and I don’t know

given how they

adore “you”

That is, the “you”

you show them

But I know a different side of you

and how could I ever reconcile the two?

It makes me question, others

Sure, they love it when you dance

But what about when

I say no and you say yes

Piano, piano

one layer, then two

more, deeper

as I got to know you.

Even today I can’t understand

who you really are.

I am puzzled and so, confused.

and I often get lost in a spiral of

how I lost myself in you.


what happened, happened

and that’s it.

I wonder how this will end though.

This charade is becoming too much for me

and it’s not my façade that I am protecting.

Greer JohnstonComment