A wasp can hide its colors but not its sting
Palermo, Sicily
And it stings.
To think I meant, nothing
To you.
Yes, I am leaving
But it seems you are leaving me, too.
I don’t know, a small part of me
Wanted you to
Come after me.
When we see each other, we act like we’re strangers
It’s your cue.
Like we are nothing.
That, (i was) nothing, to you.
And sometimes even I would doubt
Who we were when we were apart.
I guess we will continue on, more of the same.
How much this messed with my brain.
Everyone adores you
But I know the truth.
You always smile
When you sing
But, from where?
Is there something real about you?
Something other than, your sting?
Normally I would say goodbye in poems
But the only poems I have about you
Are like this, sad and confused.
When I go back
I listen to myself
And I knew, then
How this would work out.
But my heart wanted to believe
That the mask was the real you
Even, as I was bleeding
From your piercing, sting