Twelve Hours in Turkey

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

After a holiday in Bangkok, I booked my return flight using Turkish Airlines. When I booked it, I was focused on the great price, but a little concerned about the twelve-hour layover in Istanbul. I noticed something about a free hotel stay, so I booked it anyway. 

Then I had a flashback to the last time I had a long layover and stayed in the airport. I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep, downloaded movies but was bored out of my mind, and generally so miserable I promised myself never again. Closer to the flight, I discovered that another option was to take a tour of Istanbul, completely free of charge. I was torn: stay by myself in a hotel room or venture out into Istanbul? While I was a little nervous to do something new and by myself, I knew that I would end up wasting a day sitting in a hotel room on the internet instead of exploring a new city. 

When I arrived in Istanbul before sunrise, I very easily exited customs, signed up for the tour, left my luggage at the desk next to the tour desk, and had breakfast at a café right next to the desk. The bus picked us up and drove us into the center where we spent the day and then drove us back. They fed us breakfast and lunch, and we had a great guide. It really could not have been easier. 

And to think that I almost missed out on such a great day! We visited the Hippodrome and got to see the Serpentine Column and Obelisk of Theodosius. I also got to visit the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia, two amazingly beautiful historical places that I have always wanted to see. But the best part of the day was sitting at the meals with a table full of women also traveling by themselves. We were from all over the world, and enjoyed telling stories about where we were traveling to or from. We bonded over the freezing cold and rain that accompanied us on our walking tour. When we said goodbye, we wished the day could have been longer. 

The first time you do something new, it's a little scary. You don't know what to expect or how its going to be. But after that first time, there is nothing to worry about. This little taste of Istanbul and Turkey was a great introduction, and I can't wait to return someday to explore more. 



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